Ab East Cyn Res Nr Morgan, Utah |
East Canyon Creek |
3.969128 ft |
16.591 cfs |
Abington |
East Fork Whitewater |
3.878928 ft |
254.866 cfs |
Above Canton |
East Fork Pigeon |
0.339808 ft |
80.131 cfs |
Above Greenleaf |
East |
4.658912 ft |
4.589 cfs |
Above Hwy 101 |
Sunnyvale East |
1.4596 ft |
1.059 cfs |
Above Montrose |
East Fork Vermillion |
1519.790952 ft |
7.413 cfs |
Above Strosnider Ditch |
East Walker |
2.829328 ft |
44.125 cfs |
Abv Backwater Nr Caldwell |
East Hartley |
3.659168 ft |
15.532 cfs |
Albany |
East Fork Grand |
2.759136 ft |
14.826 cfs |
Almont |
East |
2.70928 ft |
97.781 cfs |
American Falls |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
4335.929744 ft |
Arbutus |
East Branch Herbert Run |
0.889864 ft |
1.059 cfs |
Armada |
East Branch Coon Creek |
1.699696 ft |
0.706 cfs |
Atlantic Beach |
East Rockaway Inlet |
4.698928 ft |
Au Sable Forks |
East Branch Of The Ausable |
1.839424 ft |
240.04 cfs |
Austin |
Waller Creek At East 1st Street |
4.558872 ft |
11.296 cfs |
Avondale |
East Branch White Clay Creek |
1.959472 ft |
6.707 cfs |
Bedford |
East Fork 102 |
10.817112 ft |
7.413 cfs |
Below Brookville Lake |
East Fork Whitewater |
3.519112 ft |
222.037 cfs |
Below Castle Rock |
East Plum Creek |
2.209408 ft |
7.413 cfs |
Below Cement Creek Nr Crested Butte |
East |
1.24968 ft |
151.79 cfs |
Below Downingtown |
East Branch Brandywine Creek |
3.009072 ft |
50.479 cfs |
Below Harriettsville |
East Fork Duck Creek |
3.449248 ft |
24.004 cfs |
Below Montrose |
East Fork Vermillion |
1435.502496 ft |
0 cfs |
Below Rosman |
East Fork French Broad |
2.949376 ft |
Below Tex Creek |
Willow Creek (Eastern Id) |
2.869344 ft |
93.898 cfs |
Benson 2n |
East Branch Chippewa River (Mn) |
6.77812 ft |
136.964 cfs |
Beulah Reservoir Agency Valley Dam |
Southeast Oregon Reservoirs |
3313.62164 ft |
Birch Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
750.357728 ft |
19191.904 cfs |
Blue Earth 1n |
East Branch Blue Earth River |
1045.422264 ft |
24.004 cfs |
Bolingbrook |
East Branch Du Page |
14.67636 ft |
42.36 cfs |
Brewster |
East Branch Croton |
2.80932 ft |
29.652 cfs |
Bridgeport Reservoir |
East Walker |
49.817296 ft |
18492.258 cfs |
Brookpark Rd Nr Parma |
East Br Big Creek |
3.989136 ft |
7.413 cfs |
Bully Creek Reservoir |
Southeast Oregon Reservoirs |
2498.73024 ft |
Callaway Bayou (In Mhhw) |
East Bay |
-1.519624 ft |
Camas |
Camas Creek (Eastern Id) |
2.409488 ft |
0 cfs |
Caribbean Drive |
Sunnyvale East |
3.599144 ft |
Chouteau Lock And Dam |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
511.32904 ft |
Church Avenue |
East Little Llagas Creek |
0.10004 ft |
0 cfs |
Claiborne |
Eastern Bay |
0.949888 ft |
Clayton |
East Fork Salmon River |
5.09876 ft |
86.838 cfs |
Cleveland |
East Fork San Jacinto |
5.40872 ft |
46.243 cfs |
Columbus |
East Fork White |
-0.020008 ft |
1519.312 cfs |
Copan Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
710.178056 ft |
44981.378 cfs |
Coyote Dam |
East Fork Russian River |
1.739712 ft |
127.786 cfs |
Crutcher Crossing |
East Fork Owyhee |
8.357768 ft |
39.889 cfs |
Dakota City |
East Fork Des Moines |
7.567944 ft |
42.713 cfs |
Downsville Below Pepacton Dam |
East Branch Delaware |
2.849336 ft |
56.48 cfs |
East Barre |
East Barre Detention Reservoir |
1128.26096 ft |
East Branch Dam Tailwater |
East Branch Clarion Lake |
1.709536 ft |
25.769 cfs |
East Creek |
East Canada Creek |
2.099528 ft |
411.951 cfs |
East End Santa Rosa Sound (In Mhhw) |
East End Santa Rosa Sound (In Mhhw) |
-1.219832 ft |
East Fork Little Pigeon 3sse Fair Garden |
East Fork Little Pigeon 3sse Fair Garden |
1.1398 ft |
East Fork Rd |
East Fork Black |
890.432096 ft |
8.825 cfs |
East Haven |
East Branch Of The Passumpsic |
2.90936 ft |
108.018 cfs |
East Orange |
East Orange Branch |
2.039504 ft |
25.416 cfs |
E Br Neversink R Northeast Of Denning |
E Br Neversink R Northeast Of Denning |
1.399576 ft |
22.945 cfs |
E. Chelsea St Near Tampa |
East Lake Outfall |
21.594536 ft |
0 cfs |
Edmonston |
Northeast Branch Anacostia |
0.279784 ft |
El Nido |
Eastside Bypass |
9.957424 ft |
252.042 cfs |
Eufala Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
584.95028 ft |
2389003.395 cfs |
Fishs Eddy |
East Branch Delaware |
5.708512 ft |
1279.625 cfs |
Fm 1374 Nr New Waverly |
East Sandy Ck |
228.041672 ft |
6.354 cfs |
Forestville |
East Branch Big Elk Creek |
3.399064 ft |
4.236 cfs |
Freeport |
East Meadow Brook |
0.289952 ft |
4.589 cfs |
Ft. Gibson Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
555.007816 ft |
386838.58 cfs |
Gimlet |
East Fork Big Wood |
7.218296 ft |
362.884 cfs |
Glen Hazel |
East Branch Clarion River Lake |
1639.090128 ft |
Gordonsville 1w |
Shell Rock River (Northeast Ia) |
86.12788 ft |
19.062 cfs |
Grand Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
741.910088 ft |
1539357.811 cfs |
Green Bay |
East |
7.527928 ft |
396.772 cfs |
Halfway |
Pine Creek (East Oregon) |
15.885 cfs |
Harsha Dam |
East Fork Little Miami River |
730.812864 ft |
Harvard |
East Branch Delaware |
3.049088 ft |
302.874 cfs |
Henrys Lake |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
14.866272 ft |
Heyburn Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
761.385088 ft |
6956.924 cfs |
Highway 2 Near Clarinda |
East Nodaway |
8.94784 ft |
14.12 cfs |
Hot Springs |
East Fork Bruneau River |
13.767 cfs |
Hudson |
Black Hawk Creek (Northeast Ia) |
5.20864 ft |
84.72 cfs |
Hudson Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
619.811432 ft |
210911.852 cfs |
Hugo Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
402.906672 ft |
121949.145 cfs |
Hulah Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
733.342072 ft |
32586.489 cfs |
Huntsvil |
East Fork Pinhook Cr At Winchester Rd |
6.468488 ft |
64.246 cfs |
Ifc--Marble Rock 290th St |
Shell Rock (Northeast Ia) |
947.747472 ft |
Island Park |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
6296.777704 ft |
Kaw Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
1010.081248 ft |
411828.156 cfs |
Kelly |
Eau Claire (East) |
1.159808 ft |
277.811 cfs |
Keystone Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
724.844248 ft |
716701.195 cfs |
Lake Ellsworth |
East Cache Creek |
1232.19432 ft |
58075.913 cfs |
Lake Eucha |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
768.903176 ft |
Lake Stanley Draper |
East Elm Creek |
1186.36616 ft |
86863.769 cfs |
Lincoln |
East Branch Pemigewasset |
4.348952 ft |
238.981 cfs |
Lisle |
East Branch Du Page |
5.488752 ft |
27.181 cfs |
Little Wood Reservoir |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
5196.929088 ft |
Louisville |
East Branch Nimishillen Creek |
4.228904 ft |
Mackay Dam |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
41.23944 ft |
282881.845 cfs |
Madison |
Yahara At East Main Street |
5.048576 ft |
252.042 cfs |
Manhattan |
East Gallatin River |
1.179816 ft |
Maplewood |
East Branch Rahway |
2.17956 ft |
Margaretville |
East Branch Delaware |
3.519112 ft |
391.83 cfs |
Marion |
Indian Creek (Eastern Ia) |
2.80932 ft |
14.826 cfs |
Mckinney |
East Fork Trinity |
4.36896 ft |
23.651 cfs |
Millburn |
East Br Rahway Riv At Millburn Ave |
1.699696 ft |
Minidoka Dam |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
4242.55372 ft |
494793604.8 cfs |
Mouth Nr Homer |
East Fork Martin R |
4.908848 ft |
Mud Lake |
Camas Creek (Eastern Id) |
1.509456 ft |
Near Abv Water Recl Fac Nr Bozeman |
East Gallatin |
3.33904 ft |
41.654 cfs |
Near Algona |
East Fork Des Moines |
6.988368 ft |
13.767 cfs |
Near Algona Hwy B63--Ifc |
East Fork Des Moines |
1086.471792 ft |
Near Ashland |
East Fork Ashland Creek |
2.07952 ft |
16.591 cfs |
Near Athens |
East Branch Wesserunsett |
3.3292 ft |
51.538 cfs |
Near Atlantic |
East Nishnabotna |
2.229416 ft |
39.536 cfs |
Near Bethany |
East Fork Big Creek |
1.819416 ft |
4.589 cfs |
Near Blue Springs |
East Fork Little Blue |
4.598888 ft |
0.353 cfs |
Near Boynton |
East Locust Creek |
0.779656 ft |
1.412 cfs |
Near Brayton 345th St--Ifc |
East Nishnabotna |
1172.589832 ft |
Near Bridgeport |
East Walker |
2.419328 ft |
21.533 cfs |
Near Bridport |
East Br Dead Creek |
2.529208 ft |
1.059 cfs |
Near Caesar |
East Hobolochitto Creek |
4.028824 ft |
35.3 cfs |
Near Calpella |
East Fork Russian |
6.798128 ft |
136.964 cfs |
Near Childs |
East Verde |
11.65712 ft |
7.413 cfs |
Near Childs |
Verde Below East Verde |
4.608728 ft |
321.936 cfs |
Near Clarinda |
East Nodaway |
964.632912 ft |
Near Claryville |
East Branch Neversink |
5.038736 ft |
61.422 cfs |
Near Clermont |
East Branch Clarion |
4.398808 ft |
18.356 cfs |
Near Climax |
East Fork Eagle |
0.430008 ft |
0.706 cfs |
Near Coffeen |
East Fork Shoal Creek |
3.21932 ft |
15.179 cfs |
Near Crandall |
East Fork Trinity |
0.479864 ft |
18.356 cfs |
Near Croton Falls |
East Branch Croton |
1.389736 ft |
17.65 cfs |
Near Cushing |
East Fork Angelina |
8.587696 ft |
60.01 cfs |
Near Dalmatia |
East Mahantango Creek |
2.039504 ft |
139.082 cfs |
Near Dime Box |
East Yegua Creek |
1.399576 ft |
0.353 cfs |
Near Dodge City |
East Branch Salmon Trout |
1.699696 ft |
18.709 cfs |
Near Downers Grove |
East Branch Du Page |
10.447456 ft |
18.356 cfs |
Near Downingtown |
East Branch Brandywine Creek |
1.939464 ft |
25.063 cfs |
Near Dublin |
East Branch Perkiomen Creek |
1.65968 ft |
15.179 cfs |
Near Dunlow |
East Fork Of Twelvepole Creek |
3.918944 ft |
23.651 cfs |
Near Dysart |
Wolf Creek (East Central Ia) |
2.28944 ft |
26.828 cfs |
Near East Hickman |
East Hickman Creek |
1.96964 ft |
26.122 cfs |
Near Elberon |
Salt Creek (East Central Ia) |
5.988624 ft |
88.25 cfs |
Near Elliott |
East Nishnabotna |
1047.8616 ft |
Near Everglades City |
East |
5.988624 ft |
180.03 cfs |
Near Fort Hall |
Spring Creek (Eastern Id) |
4.458832 ft |
223.802 cfs |
Near Frederika 120th St--Ifc |
East Fork Wapsipinicon |
1009.091672 ft |
Near Gardnerville |
East Fork Carson |
9.617616 ft |
88.603 cfs |
Near Genlee |
Northeast Creek |
4.938696 ft |
20.121 cfs |
Near Glendale |
East Fork Virgin |
10.167344 ft |
19.062 cfs |
Near Greenleaf |
Glri East Tile 1 |
0 ft |
0 cfs |
Near Hardwick |
East Branch Swift |
19.595048 ft |
71.659 cfs |
Near Hartwick |
Walnut Creek (East Central Ia) |
1.419584 ft |
0 cfs |
Near Haven |
Richland Creek (East Central Ia) |
10.787264 ft |
0 cfs |
Near Heisson |
East Fork Lewis |
13.626432 ft |
1189.61 cfs |
Near Henrietta |
East Fork Little Wichita |
5.088592 ft |
0 cfs |
Near High Point |
East Fork Of Deep |
2.07952 ft |
3.883 cfs |
Near Homestead |
East Creek |
-0.769816 ft |
83.308 cfs |
Near Ifc--Rockford Foothill Ave |
Shell Rock (Northeast Ia) |
968.92184 ft |
Near Intl Boundary |
East Fork Poplar |
5.258496 ft |
2.471 cfs |
Near Jeremy Ranch |
East Canyon Creek |
4.239072 ft |
4.589 cfs |
Near Jewett Center |
East Kill |
3.169136 ft |
47.302 cfs |
Near Joseph |
East Fork Wallowa |
4.638904 ft |
8.119 cfs |
Near Lafayette |
East Branch Paulins Kill |
2.1894 ft |
9.884 cfs |
Near Lake Ingraham |
East Side Creek |
-1.759392 ft |
1599.443 cfs |
Near Lakota |
Eastern Stump Lake |
49.36728 ft |
Near Lascassas |
East Fork Stones |
4.618896 ft |
323.701 cfs |
Near Lesterville |
East Fork Black |
1.399576 ft |
50.832 cfs |
Near Louise |
East Mustang Creek |
2.969384 ft |
0.353 cfs |
Near Macon |
East Fork Little Chariton |
7.518088 ft |
9.531 cfs |
Near Mansfield |
East Bear Creek |
0.83968 ft |
3.53 cfs |
Near Markleeville |
East Fork Carson |
2.419328 ft |
73.424 cfs |
Near Mason |
East Walker |
4.06884 ft |
31.417 cfs |
Near Maxwell Hwy S27--Ifc |
East Indian Creek |
885.373352 ft |
Near Mccammon |
Marsh Creek (Eastern Id) |
2.859176 ft |
53.303 cfs |
Near Mckewen |
Deer Creek (East Oregon) |
0.739968 ft |
4.942 cfs |
Near Mcleod |
East Boulder |
2.07952 ft |
8.472 cfs |
Near Melcher-Dallas |
White Breast Creek (Southern Ia) |
6.028312 ft |
4.942 cfs |
Near Mooresville |
East Fork White Lick Creek |
3.769048 ft |
21.886 cfs |
Near Morgan |
East Canyon Creek |
0.169904 ft |
7.06 cfs |
Near Mouth Nr Tulalip |
East Fork Tulalip Creek |
1.299536 ft |
3.53 cfs |
Near New Caney |
East Fork San Jacinto |
47.07784 ft |
61.422 cfs |
Near North Lyme |
East Branch Eightmile |
2.359304 ft |
46.243 cfs |
Near Parkersburg Hwy T47 Ifc |
Beaver Creek (Northeast Ia) |
907.917448 ft |
Near Port St Joe |
Iww East Of Gulf Co Canal |
-0.289952 ft |
4807.86 cfs |
Near Putnam Lake |
East Branch Croton |
4.348952 ft |
108.018 cfs |
Near Ririe |
Willow Creek (Eastern Id) Below Ririe Dam |
0.329968 ft |
0 cfs |
Near Riverton |
East Nishnabotna |
916.42544 ft |
Near Robertson |
East Fork Smiths Fork |
3.479096 ft |
6.354 cfs |
Near Roscoe |
East Rosebud Creek |
3.54896 ft |
Near Sandoval |
East Fork Kaskaskia |
3.559128 ft |
30.005 cfs |
Near Seymour |
East Fork White |
5.088592 ft |
2239.079 cfs |
Near Springdale |
East Fork Virgin |
5.638648 ft |
56.833 cfs |
Near Stanton |
East Tarkio Creek |
0.969896 ft |
Near Sunset |
Eastatoee Crk On Cleo Chapman Hwy |
2.319288 ft |
17.297 cfs |
Near Tustin |
East Branch Pine |
2.49936 ft |
17.65 cfs |
Near Walters |
East Cache Creek |
4.618896 ft |
28.946 cfs |
Near Walton |
East Brook |
2.869344 ft |
43.066 cfs |
New Gretna |
East Branch Bass |
3.809064 ft |
9.884 cfs |
New Hartford |
Beaver Creek (Northeast Ia) |
1.44976 ft |
57.539 cfs |
New Orleans Protected Side |
Giww East Storm Surge Barrier |
0.299792 ft |
Newt Graham Lock And Dam 18 |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
532.68348 ft |
Nr Lakin |
Amazon Great Eastern Ditch |
2.69944 ft |
26.828 cfs |
Nr Lakin Stage A, [Stage Below 2.3 Ft Unreliable] |
Amazon Great Eastern Ditch |
2.679432 ft |
Nr Miami |
Tamiami Canal East End 2.6 Mile Bridge |
6.718424 ft |
159.909 cfs |
Nr Miami |
Tamiami Canal East End 1 Mile Bridge |
6.688248 ft |
-222.037 cfs |
Nr Pine |
East Verde R Div From East Clear Cr |
7.108088 ft |
0 cfs |
Oologah Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
638.106616 ft |
559766.573 cfs |
Oxbow |
Pine Creek (East Oregon) |
294.049 cfs |
Palisades |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
5573.482928 ft |
Park Reservoir Near Big Horn |
East Fork Big Goose Creek |
8237.090896 ft |
Park Reservoir Outlet |
East Fork Big Goose Creek |
0.20992 ft |
Pepacton Reservoir |
East Branch Delaware |
1257.537896 ft |
Perintown |
East Fork Little Miami |
3.978968 ft |
885.677 cfs |
Prairie State Park |
East Fork Drywood Creek |
1.739712 ft |
0.353 cfs |
Red Oak |
East Nishnabotna |
5.168624 ft |
79.072 cfs |
Richmond |
East Fork Whitewater |
0.869856 ft |
104.841 cfs |
Ririe Dam |
Eastern Idaho Reservoirs |
5085.227704 ft |
Riverdale |
Northeast Branch Anacostia |
0.599912 ft |
30.005 cfs |
Rivervale |
East Fork White |
13.11672 ft |
8196.66 cfs |
Romeo |
East Pond Creek |
1.279528 ft |
11.649 cfs |
Roxbury |
East Branch Delaware |
3.798896 ft |
30.358 cfs |
R.s. Kerr Lock And Dam |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
459.552272 ft |
San Angelo |
East Angelo Draw |
4.89868 ft |
Sardis Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
597.717024 ft |
284881.237 cfs |
Sharonville |
Mill Creek At East Sharon Rd |
5.93844 ft |
69.188 cfs |
Shell Rock |
Shell Rock (Northeast Ia) |
7.627968 ft |
242.864 cfs |
Shoals |
East Fork White |
7.348184 ft |
10195.699 cfs |
Shwenksville |
East Branch Perkiomen Creek |
2.869344 ft |
55.421 cfs |
Skiatook Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
709.078272 ft |
275885.032 cfs |
Slough No. 1 Near Coopertown |
Northeast Shark |
7.988112 ft |
Slough No. 2 Near Coopertown |
Northeast Shark |
7.988112 ft |
Spavinaw Dam |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
679.72588 ft |
9.531 cfs |
Ss1182 Near Lowes Grove |
Northeast Creek |
2.359304 ft |
Strongsville |
East Branch Rocky |
6.008304 ft |
46.949 cfs |
Tenkiller Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
632.688056 ft |
665722.347 cfs |
Three Creek |
East Fork Jarbidge River |
9.178 cfs |
Toledo |
Deer Creek (East Central Ia) |
4.179048 ft |
14.12 cfs |
Warm Springs Reservoir |
Southeast Oregon Reservoirs |
3382.87392 ft |
258.749 cfs |
Watson Bayou Pier (In Mhhw) |
East Bay |
-1.56948 ft |
W.d. Mayo Lock And Dam |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
412.174312 ft |
163931.788 cfs |
Webbers Falls Lock And Dam |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
489.684648 ft |
Wharton Township |
East Fork Sinnemahoning Creek |
4.199056 ft |
108.018 cfs |
Williamsburg |
East Fork Little Miami |
1.759392 ft |
188.855 cfs |
Willowton |
East |
3.189144 ft |
34.947 cfs |
Wister Lake |
Eastern Oklahoma Lakes |
479.517304 ft |
77567.514 cfs |