Wir haben 15 aktuelle Wasserstände für 'Wood River' gefunden


Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Above Bass Creek Cottonwood River 89.2 cm 21.8 m³/s
Above Kastberg Creek Driftwood River 150.1 cm 1.33 m³/s
Above Leaf Rapids Burntwood River 9846.4 cm 13.5 m³/s
Above Manasan Falls Burntwood River 19607 cm
At Diebel's Ranch Highwood River 89.9 cm 5.59 m³/s
At Highway No. 617 Pinewood River 1036.3 cm 0.48 m³/s
At Monteith Driftwood River 26088.4 cm
Below Little Bow Canal Highwood River 119 cm 3.04 m³/s
Near Lafleche Wood River 65.3 cm
Near The Mouth Highwood River 228.2 cm 6.62 m³/s
Near The Mouth Driftwood River 110.3 cm 6.86 m³/s
Near Thompson Burntwood River 18636.5 cm 636 m³/s


Station GewässerWasserstandDurchflussMap
Lamberton Cottonwood River (Mn) 2.999232 ft 27.887 cfs
Leavenworth Cottonwood River (Mn) 966.93252 ft 99.546 cfs
Marion Reservoir Cottonwood River 1350.014216 ft 79266.856 cfs